Thursday, February 21, 2008


Life is a journey in search of meaning, a journey that moves from one milestone to another, one discovery leads to another. “You find the reason why you are, and then life hands over to you the task of helping others do”, and interestingly the sense of satisfaction we inherently demand does not come in the exact discovery of meaning, but in the countless intrigue and suspense associated with the search. No matter who we are, Africans, Hispanic, Latinos, Asians or which part of the globe we reside, this single believe puts us all on the same page.

Life’s journey essentially is a journey of emotions, the maneuver, the plot, the tension, the anticipation. And I strongly believe that any product that will make a bang in today’s market must have empathy for what makes meaning for humanity. Products need to move away from functional benefits to emotional benefits, Diamonds they say are forever, but it’s not the piece of carbon rock that’s interesting, it’s really about Jack and Jill in love and the fact that they would want to share that love, forever. Product benefits have travelled a distance over the last few years, gone are the days when products exercise competitive advantage because they are produced from the largest factory or because they were produced by the best engineers, today’s market runs on an expressive, emotional capital.

Functional benefits don’t excites as much as emotional benefits, as much as a belief in humanity, in what lies at the depth of human consciousness, and this is what a powerful brand should do, the Dove’s “Real beauty campaign”, the “Participation Age” point of view from Sun Microsystem have successfully demonstrated this

The new reality is this: we now live in a spiritual republic, any brand /product that fails to Define the Depth will never find its way within


Anonymous said...

I feel you
A brand's mental depth is directly proportional to its marketing height in terms of volume and value.
May we learn to touch their hearts before their heads
Well done

Anonymous said...

Well written! I agree that how you present bullshit is more important that the fact that it's bullshit. Perception, as they say, is everything.

But Bayo writes as though touching the hearts of people is some kind of missionary campaign by the advertising agency. I disagree, with all due respect. You only seek to touch their hearts because this increases the value of the product you seek to promote; it is well known that people lose a significant part of their objectivity when emotion sets in.

It's a brilliant advertising strategy to stifle objectivity and dispassionate reason by appealing to the emotion. Emotional hype and the blind, unreasoning celebrity culture that engulfs much of today's society will ensure that it works excellently. That way almost everyone wins - the advertiser wins from the hugely increased demand for their product, the consumer wins by tapping into the emotional hype generated by the perceived popularity of the product, and everyone is happy.

Everyone but common sense, that is.